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1-  "The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Self-Focusing and Wave Collapse" 
                        C. Sulem , P.-L. Sulem 
                Springer-Verlag, Applied mathematical Sciences Vol. 139  
        où ? ->          Springer-Verlag,      10 rue Vercingétorix 75014 Paris (486 F+25F de port) tel: 01 56 54 13 13 


Huyen DANG-VU (Université de Paris 6) et Claudine DELCARTE (Université de Paris 11)

Une introduction à la Dynamique contemporaine Avec des programmes en Pascal, Fortran et Mathematica
une présentation

Editeur : ELLIPSES, 32 rue Bargue 75740 Paris. Tél : (33) 1 45 67 74 19 ; Fax : (33) 1 47 34 67 94 ;
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        leur liste  (attention les liens ne sont pas activés. Rendez vous plutôt sur le site : World-Scientific )

Book Titles in Chaos and Nonlinear Science:

Book Series in Chaos and Nonlinear Science:
(attention les liens ne sont pas activés. Rendez vous plutôt sur le site : World-Scientific )
Advanced Series in Dynamical Systems
Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics
Directions in Chaos
Nonlinear Time Series and Chaos
Studies of Nonlinear Phenomena in Life Science
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series A
World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series B

dans la série synergetics (liens non activés . Se rendre sur leur serveur

Springer Series in Synergetics

       VOL. 69: Kravtsov, Y.A.; Kadtke, J.B., (Eds.) : Predictability of Complex Dynamical Systems
       VOL. 68: Grabec, I.; Sachse, W. : Synergetics of Measurement, Prediction and Control
       VOL. 67: Haken, H. : Principles of Brain Functioning
       VOL. 66: Vorontsov, M.A.; Miller, W.B., (Eds.) :Self-Organization in Optical Systems and Applications in Information Technology
       VOL. 64: Kruse, P.; Stadler, M., (Eds.) : Ambiguity in Mind and Nature
       VOL. 59: Stratonovich, R.L. Nonlinear Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics II
        VOL. 52: Mikhailov, A.S.; Loskutov, A.Y. :Foundations of Synergetics II
        VOL. 40: Haken, H. :Information and Self-Organization
       VOL. 18: Risken, H. : The Fokker-Planck Equation
       VOL. 13: Gardiner, C.W. Handbook of Stochastic Methods

       Awrejcewicz, J.; Andrianov, I.V.; Manevitch, L.I.
       Asymptotic Approaches in Nonlinear Dynamics

       Basar, E.
       Brain Function and Oscillations
       Grasman, J.; Herwaarden, O.A.,van
       Asymptotic Methods for the Fokker-Planck Equation and the Exit Problem in Applications

       Portugali, J.
       Self-Organization and the City

       Tass, P.A.
       Phase Resetting in Medicine and Biology

       Uhl, C., (Ed.)
       Analysis of Neurophysiological Brain Functioning

       Xu, J.-J.
       Interfacial Wave Theory of Pattern Formation

       Last Update: 01.09.1999
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