Huyen DANG-VU (Université de Paris 6) et Claudine DELCARTE (Université de Paris 11)

Une introduction à la Dynamique contemporaine

Avec des programmes en Pascal, Fortran et Mathematica

Nombre de pages : 447

Editeur : ELLIPSES, 32 rue Bargue 75740 Paris.

Tél : (33) 1 45 67 74 19 ; Fax : (33) 1 47 34 67 94 ; Web :

Abstract: This book is based on lectures given at the University of Paris 11 and covers the background to non-linear dynamical systems. Written for the advanced undergraduate/graduate student, it is self-contained. Among its many special topics are center manifolds and normal forms, local bifurcations and catastrophes, homoclinic bifurcation and Melnikov's method, Feigenbaum constants, Yoccoz puzzles, KAM surfaces, 3-body problem (including Sitnikov problem).... Many notions are illustrated by computer programs written in Pascal, Fortran and Mathematica. Included are numerous references to contemporary research literature..
