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Simulated transverse fluence pattern of a high power laser Wahb Ettoumi, Jérôme Kasparian, Jean-Pierre Wolf

Soumis le 16 Mar 2015 par Wahb Ettoumi

This image shows the simulation of a high power laser cross section, which has been processed so as to feature only islands of light exceeding a certain amount of power, which were in turn colored according to their relative size. This clustering of light into zones of high (colors) and low (white) intensity results from a linear instability in the non-linear Schrödinger Equation, and is found to exhibit statistical properties reminiscent of those of percolation problems.



Régimes dynamiques de l'injection optique (plus de détails...)

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New Challenges in Turbulence Research VII, École de Physique des Houches, 10 Février 2025

New Challenges in Turbulence Research VII, École de Physique des Houches, 10 Février 2025

New Challenges in Turbulence Research VII, École de Physique des Houches, 10 Février 2025

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